
Follow my training and fundraising progress towards Ironman Boulder. Help me raise $4,000 for Ironman Foundation's Community Fund to enhance the well-being of the Boulder community through charitable support.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Treadmill Interval Training

6AM - Just under a 10K, treadmill interval training

This morning I realized just how out of shape my running is.  No  more excuses; the fact is that I haven't been running frequently, long enough or fast enough.

My 4-minute 8mph interval felt like pure death.

The good news is that my knee doesn't feel horrible.  I fully expected 6 miles to do a number on it, but it seems pretty manageable.  I'll know more as I increase the volumes and intensity; but for now this morning was a success!

Great article from last February on TrainingPeaks about interval training and how it can improve your running speed.  Take a look here:

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Quick Turbo Session - GO BRONCOS!

Did 60 minutes on the Turbo Trainer while the Bronco's win against the Patriot's for the Superbowl!!  Looking to hit the pool later tonight for another 45 minutes.

Workout here

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Throwback: AlcaTri XXVIII - Escape from the Rock!

I wrote up a race report years ago on this but have since lost it.  I'll try to post a recap here soon, but this was the race that got me into the sport of triathlon.  For now, feel free to take a look at the old video!

Current Training Update

A short update related to my training!

After an extreme case of ITBS beginning in October 2011, I spent 1.5 years working through physical therapy and finally IT Band Release Surgery in March 2013.  Progress following this has been slow but positive, with new regimens of cryocup icing, foam rolling and the latest additions to my injury prevention kit include:

  • Trigger Point Quadballer - this is a foam rolling graduation, capable of rolling out any tightness.  Not for the faint of heart but works wonders on my leg!
  • Hyperice Ice Compression Technology - After my surgery I was lucky to be able to recover using a Gameready device.  I loved it so much I wanted one for training until I found out they cost $3500+.  I then found this product that provides a much cheaper but well performing alternative to keeping my knee healthy.
Fast forward January 5th and I took an impact to the same knee/leg while skiing at Copper Mountain.  XRAY shows no break but I'm in no way able to run at the moment.  Taking it easy and will be focusing on the bike and swim for the next couple weeks.

I've recently joined Lifetime TRI TEAM.  To maintain accountability and motivation, this team meets regularly and is coached by Nicole Clark.  With a daily training program published on I am starting to ramp into my IRONMAN program.  I will post interesting or milestone workouts here for you to see.  

My latest includes an hour on my turbo trainer (I'll post this setup later but for winter, early mornings or late nights I have a Kurt Kinetic Road Machine, 110" screen displaying current power based workout via, and Pandora kickin' loud).  If you haven't heard of Trainer Road and are looking for some motivation and structure indoors, take a look at this workout here:

IRONMAN Foundation - Community Fund

This 2014 I have decided to race IRONMAN Boulder by raising funds for IRONMAN Foundation's Community Fund.  It is important to me that my goals be met with a positive impact to the community around me. These proceeds will support non-profit organizations that recognize citizens in need in the Boulder/Denver area.  This program has made philanthropic contributions of almost $20 million worldwide since its inception in 2003.

In an effort to enhance the well-being of those in the communities where IRONMAN triathlons are held, The IRONMAN Foundation provides charitable support to a variety of local non-profit organizations that recognize citizens in need and support The IRONMAN Foundation's mission. The Foundation provides grant funding opportunities as a way of leaving a little of IRONMAN's legacy behind after race day. IMF works with community leaders to identify capital improvement projects and provide funding to support various initiatives.  All proceeds from The IRONMAN Foundation Community Fund Program support this program.

Come back to track my fundraising progress and here about my training and volunteer efforts in 2014.